For partners

Earn more with us!

We offer high-quality American products at wholesale prices as well as a new, non-standard approach to cooperation:

By becoming our partner, you will increase your sales!

What is the way to do it? It is very easy!)) Buyers often contact us to purchase retail products. We do not sell products at retail prices and therefore we will gladly refer such buyers to you, and you, in your turn, will be able to offer our quality products at a retail price that you determine yourself. Thus, with our help, you will get more customers and increase your profit. We will be happy to help you with this!!! Moreover, after becoming our partner, we will place your contact details on our website, and retail buyers will easily find you and make their purchases from you. For further information, please contact our regional manager in your country. We are pleased to see you among our partners!!!

And please remember that by contacting you, such a buyer will purchase both our products and other goods presented in your store, club, pharmacy.

We are one team whose primary goal is to help and benefit people and their pets!

We appreciate your business and will be happy to be your partner!

Best regards,

NewVet LLC Team.